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15th November 2024   

ART & WINE EVENT : Mixed media workshop

ART & WINE EVENT: mixed media workshop
ART & WINE EVENT: mixed media workshop
15 Nov 2024, 18:30
Provincia di Padova

16th August - 30th August 2025   




1st June - 31 August 2024   

Private view 21st June at 18pm
Spazio Lazzari, Via Paris Bordone 14-16, Treviso curated by Roberta Gubitosi

Open: 11 am - 13.30 pm /14.30 - 19.30 pm
Tuesday to Saturday / 15.30-19.30 Sunday / closed Monday


1 - 29 April 2024 

Padua and Oxford celebrated 5 years of twinning with an exhibition Flowing Water at Spazio 35
Centro Culturale San Gaetano with Installation artist Diana Bell and Hannah Gauntlett
We were honoured to host The Mayor of Oxford Lord Councillor Lubna Arshad
and Deputy Leader Chewe Munkonge in Padua, they visited the new edition of the exhibition
Flowing Water following last years' exhibition in Oxford.
I am so grateful to the Oxford Padua Link for this opportunity and to the Comune of Padua and sponsors for making the exhibition and concert possible.

Photo Gallery of the Events


January 2024

2024 kicked off with a private view and collective exhibition in Mayfair London.

Gallery 8, Duke Street, St. James's, London, SW1 Y6BN

Raising funds for Bryanston school and Knighton House Art Bursaries.

8th - 13th January   VIEW ONLINE CATALOGUE

I also attended the Quinta Dimensione Ars in Tempore reunion at 47 Anno Domini Vineyards, Treviso and received a certificate.

November 2023

I will also be teaching a workshop in Italian at an artshop in Padua sponsored by LIQUITEX Acrylics



This month I invite you to my studio for the OPEN STUDIO event, you will be able to see my latest collection of available smaller works and view artwork from my archive and private collection.

AMACI - 18° Giornata della Contemporaneo

I will also be taking part in a group exhibition ARS in Tempore in a stunning location at Monastier, Treviso.



La quinta edizione 2023-2024

Il progetto culturale Ars in Tempore nasce con la volontà di promuovere il dialogo tra antico e presente, suggerendo possibili relazioni tra gli edifici medievali e le odierne creazioni di arte contemporanea. Il percorso prevede l'allestimento di esposizioni presso significative sedi abbaziali e Musei in tutto il territorio nazionale.

Le esposizioni di “Ars in tempore” costituiscono un’inedita opportunità per riscoprire le peculiarità di aree antiche di straordinario interesse storico, per apprezzare gli esiti più attuali dell’arte contemporanea, per creare una rete di comunicazione tra Amministrazioni ed Enti pubblici e privati, per ampliare l’offerta culturale e turistica del territorio.

vede la conferma del percorso con il coinvolgimento delle seguenti sedi tra Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia: Abbazia di Santa Maria delle Carceri (PD), Abbazia di Santa Maria di Pero - Ninni Riva di Monastier (TV), Chiesa di Santa Maria del Torresino a Cittadella (PD), Abbazia di Santa Maria in Sylvis di Sesto al Reghena (PN), Abbazia di Santa Maria di Follina (TV).

The fifth edition 2023-2024

The cultural project Ars in Tempore was born with the desire to promote the dialogue between ancient and present, suggesting possible relationships between medieval buildings and today's creations of contemporary art. The itinerary includes the preparation of exhibitions at significant abbey sites and museums throughout the national territory.

The exhibitions of "Ars in tempore" are an unprecedented opportunity to rediscover the peculiarities of ancient areas of extraordinary historical interest, to appreciate the most current results of contemporary art, to create a communication network between administrations and public and private bodies, to expand the cultural and tourist offer of the territory.

Along the path it sees the following locations involved between Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia: Abbey of Santa Maria delle Carceri (PD), Abbey of Santa Maria di Pero - Ninni Riva di Monastier (TV), Church of Santa Maria del Torresino in Cittadella (PD), Abbey of Santa Maria in Sylvis of Sesto al Reghena (PN), Abbey of Santa Maria di Follina (TV).



17th September - 9th October 2022:

collective exhibition 

Ars in Tempore at Abbazia delle Carceri, Padova, Italy


April - June 2022: 

Solo exhibition Absence : Presence curated by Roberta Gubitosi.

47 Anno Domini, Roncade, Treviso, Italy




If you would like to help make some of my dream projects come true. 

Any amount will go a long way!

All donors will be acknowledged unless you wish to remain anonymous.

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Collectors will enjoy preview access to new work, virtual exhibitions and invitations to private view events.

Artists will receive early booking announcements for workshops and retreats, plus information on how to join co-create sessions and my new mentorship programme.


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NEWSLETTER in Italiano

I collezionisti potranno accedere in anteprima a nuovi lavori, mostre virtuali e inviti a eventi privati.

Gli artisti riceveranno annunci di prenotazione anticipata per workshop online.


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Questo sito Web è un portfolio online e una vendita di opere d'arte dell'artista Hannah Gauntlett. Tutti i dati raccolti sono per newsletter, risposta e-mail, elaborazione degli ordini, mailing list per inviti a mostre o eventi. Nessuna informazione viene condivisa con terze parti. Se non desideri essere nella mia lista di contatti, cancella l'iscrizione qui  unsubscribe here.

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